The South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse community is set to be at the heart of future council spending on goods and services.

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have pledged allegiance to Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership's charter.

The agreement will ensure council contacts will assess the potential support a supplier can provide to the community and consider value for money.

Councillor Neil Fawcett, Vale of White Horse District Council cabinet member for economic development said: "These pledges show we are committed to creating a more equal and sustainable community that benefits everyone.

"We hope being part of the charter will create more opportunities and benefit everyone."

The council will look to buy from more local organisations where possible, including small and medium enterprises, social enterprises, and cooperatives.

Councillor Robin Bennett, South Oxfordshire District Council cabinet member for economic development and regeneration, said: "By looking to buy from local organisations first, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint while better supporting suppliers in the area to bid for council contracts and boosting the local economy.

"We’ll also be supporting our staff to volunteer at local community projects, which we hope will enable them to build new skills and links with their communities, benefitting all involved.

“We’d like to encourage our many fantastic local businesses of all sizes to follow suit and make their own pledges.”